Friday, 1 November 2013

Bandi Chhor message from Prime Minister David Cameron

November 2013
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Bandi Chhor message from Prime Minister David Cameron

After months of communicating with the Conservative Party and speaking to the right people at the right time, with Maharaj's Kirpa, I was able to convey the message that Sikhs celebrate Bandi Chhor and not Divali. The party showed great interest and intrigue about what Bandi Chhor stood for and why we as Sikhs celebrate it thus leading to Prime Minister David Cameron sending his warm wishes to the Sikhs celebrating Bandi Chhor. Please see below for the Prime Minister's message.

Many people have asked my why I'm getting involved with politics on a grassroots level and whether politicians in the Conservative led Government actually listen to us. I firmly believe that they do and this message is just one example on how they are listening.

If we look back in history, when we had the issue regarding crash helmets and riding motorbikes, it was Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Government who listened and took on board why our Dastar is so important to us. Michael Portillo remembers

''As a 22-year-old researcher, I was allowed to attend a shadow cabinet meeting discussing immigration policy. She had recently become leader of the opposition and was still surrounded by the "giants" from the Heath cabinet, men thought to be her intellectual and social superiors. A bell announcing a vote in the House of Commons interrupted proceedings. Chris Patten, as secretary to the shadow cabinet, said it was a motion to allow any turban-bearing Sikh to be exempt from the requirement to wear a crash helmet on a motorcycle.

"I must go," she said. "I am pledged to support them." One of the giants, Lord Carrington, muttered something she didn't catch. Like a schoolboy, he was made to repeat it. "I said it was ironic that here we are devising how to keep people out of the country, while you are off to vote for the Sikhs." Silence. "It was a joke." She looked at the former defence secretary as though he were a piece of dirt. "Well, it wasn't very funny. These people fought for us in the war, Peter, fought for us in the war. Have you got it?" And off she flounced to record her vote.'

There a plenty of other examples I can give where the Conservative Party have listened to us when we've communicated with them. 

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Harsimrat Kaur

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Prime Minister's Diwali and Bandi Chhor message

“I send my best wishes to everyone in Britain and around the world celebrating Diwali and Bandi Chhor.

“At this important time of year for the Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist faiths we will see friends and families all over the country come together to celebrate these holy festivals.

“The glorious ‘festival of light’ will be celebrated with lighting lamps, devotional singing and prayers at brightly decorated temples and homes, while at Gurdwaras and Sikh households families will celebrate the ‘day of freedom’ and pray for freedom and empowerment for all mankind.

“While the festivals of Diwali and Bandi Chhor have different origins, their universal message of hope over despair, light over darkness and good over evil is something that we should all celebrate.

“Together with other autumn festivals of Eid al-Adha and Chanukah, Diwali and Bandi Chhor demonstrate many of the common values that we all share.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Britain’s Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist communities for all they do for our country. You make an enormous contribution to Britain in so many ways. From hardworking families that are doing the right thing to entrepreneurs and businesses that are helping create prosperity; from excelling in science and public service to achieving in the arts and sport, your role in our nation is a shining example of how communities can integrate and succeed while retaining a strong and proud identity.

“To all those celebrating Diwali or Bandi Chhor I send my warmest greetings.”
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